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Maaden raises $1.25bn in sukuk offering

The Sukuk were offered in a five-year and a 10-year tranche.

DAE net profit up 36.2%

Revenues grew by 9 percent to $1.42bn from $1.31bn in 2023.

Borouge 2024 net profit $1.24bn

The company said it will maintain a $1.3bn dividend for 2025.

ADQ, Orion to establish JV

The partners commit to deploying $1.2bn in the next four years.

Alpha Dhabi acquires interest in NCTH

The deal increases NCTH's portfolio to 8 hotels with 1,500 keys.



With more than 20 years of quality journalism focused on the affairs of the Arab world, TRENDS was established in Paris, France, as a magazine by acclaimed Lebanese-French journalist Yasser Hawari in the late 90s.

In the early 2000s, TRENDS moved its base to Dubai and started focusing more on the business and economic affairs of the Arab world along with some coverage of the important geopolitical developments of the time.

During its more than two decades of operations, TRENDS built strong partnerships with international organizations as well as regional organizations.

As the media landscape evolved in the region, TRENDS established two iconic annual events – Top CEO Middle East, a ranking of the top 100 listed GCC companies in the region. The Top CEO award is based on financial criteria along with many other data points that are collected on publicly-listed companies. The ranking and algorithm are developed and managed in cooperation with the INSEAD Business school and audited every year by one of the big four audit firms to ensure transparency.

TRENDS also established the Arab Luxury World, a unique conference that focuses on the business of luxury in the Middle East. Bringing together brands, distributors, retailers, mall operators, service providers, artists, and the movers and shakers of the global and regional luxury business.

The digital transformation of TRENDS is in line with the publication’s futuristic growth strategy. A diverse team of journalists, editors, and researchers that are drawn from different cultures and geographics will ensure a multifaceted bouquet of information.


Informing decision-makers in the Arab world and beyond; and assisting leaders in enhancing the business and economic environment in the region.


Smart and data-driven business intelligence provider that uses data analytics and artificial intelligence to collect, curate, and share information.