UAE’s hiring landscape sees rise in homegrown talent

4 min read
UAE's hiring shift favors local talent, showing a growing preference over international recruits in the job market.
  • New graduates bring unique lifestyles and perspectives to the workforce.
  • The generational divide: From self-made success to a reliance on support.

DUBAI, UAE — Over the past decade, I have observed a trend in hiring practices—a shift toward employing talent from the UAE rather than recruiting from abroad, due to the proliferation of top-tier universities in the country and the wider region. This change has given rise to a new wave of graduates who bring with them distinct lifestyles and perspectives.

Today’s youth tread a vastly different path than their predecessors. While the past celebrated hard work and self-made success, today’s landscape is marked by protective environments and varied lifestyles. This contrast has shaped a narrative of excessive entitlement among our youth, reflecting a shift from forging one’s own success to relying on parental and peer support for personal and professional achievements.

With this evolution, it becomes our paramount responsibility to not only welcome and assimilate this new talent pool, but also to guide and unite them with the previous generation. Our aim is to ensure their seamless integration into our organizational ethos, supporting them throughout their journey from internships to permanent employment.

The generational chasm

The pendulum of parenting has swung, bringing with it a shift in attitudes among the young. Parents’ protective instincts and the ubiquity of helpers have created a world where youth privilege sometimes eclipses the value of hard-earned achievements. The outcome is a generation characterized by abundance, but often criticized for lacking the resilience that is forged through adversity.

Bridging generations: A shared journey

In this divide lies an opportunity—an opportunity for both older and younger generations to understand and appreciate each other’s paths. As leaders and managers, we hold the keys to fostering this shared understanding. Stories from bygone eras serve as windows to the past, offering valuable insights and imparting age-old wisdom to guide the youth through today’s challenges.

This “intergenerational handshake” isn’t just about building skills for the workplace; it’s about shaping attitudes and creating values. It involves instilling a willingness to accept feedback, learn from each other’s experiences, and find common ground where respect and good conduct prevail across generations.

UAE’s hiring shift favors local talent, showing a growing preference over international recruits in the job market.

Human connections in a digital age

While the allure of technology persists, offering convenience and efficiency, its dominance shouldn’t overshadow the irreplaceable value of human interaction. It is essential to find a balance between the immediacy of online communication favored by the youth and the depth of face-to-face interaction cherished by older generations.

This balance is critical in creating an environment where relationships flourish, ideas thrive, and mentorship can profoundly impact both generations. It forms the cornerstone of a workplace culture that values both technological advancement and the profound connections inherent in personal engagement.

Embracing modern strengths

Embedded within these challenges are the strengths of the modern generation—high IQs, technological expertise, and a unique worldview. Organizations like ours stand to benefit greatly by harnessing these strengths, channeling them into innovative solutions and business practices.

Cultivating accountability and enriching experience

The responsibility falls on us to shape young managers into accountable leaders. Patience and mentorship are essential as we guide them through experiences, imparting lessons that life might not have taught them yet. We must also bridge the gap between their theoretical knowledge and the practical application of skills.

Fostering self-sufficiency and generational growth

Supporting today’s youth paves the way for self-sufficiency tomorrow, laying a foundation for organizational growth and economic progress. By promoting education and nurturing talent, we create a cycle where skilled graduates drive corporate and economic prosperity and shape a future that benefits subsequent generations.

As these young minds assume leadership roles, armed with skills and values, they are poised to drive innovation, economic development, and social change. Rooted in our Kyosei philosophy of living and working together for the common good, we are committed to investing in the youth of today to build a future where the collective achievements of these empowered individuals lead us toward a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow.

Venkatasubramanian (Subbu) Hariharan is Managing Director of Canon Middle East and Turkey.

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