Sharjah Economic Development Department (SEDD) has processed 14,210 licenses submitted through its smart applications on its website as well as service centers during the third quarter of 2021.
Of the 14,210 licenses, 1,473 were issued licenses and the 12,737 renewed ones.
SEDD data said commercial licenses took the lead with 868 licenses, followed by professional (432), industrial (69) and e-commerce licenses (43).
A total of 7,795 commercial licenses were renewed in Q3, followed by professional (4,286) and industrial (504).
In addition, the number of renewed licenses for “Eitimad” domestic licenses reached 126, while the number of renewed e-commerce licenses was 25.
Sultan Abdullah bin Hadda Al Suwaidi, SEDD Chairman, said the continued growth of business licenses confirms the strength of the local economy and the attractiveness of the investment environment.
Sharjah Economic Development Department processes 14,210 licenses during Q3
- The majority of the licenses processed belonged to the commercial sector, followed by professional.
- The growth of business licenses confirms the strength of the local economy, Sultan Abdullah bin Hadda Al Suwaidi.