Dubai, UAE — Dubai’s real estate market recorded real estate transactions worth AED1.1 billion ($299 million) on Friday, according to the data released by Dubai’s Land Department.
The transactions included 335 sales worth AED916.36 million on Friday, in addition to 61 mortgage deals totaling AED214.37 million, and four gift deals amounting to AED11.56 million.
The sales included 289 villas and apartments worth AED713.65 million, and 46 land plots worth AED202.71 million.
The mortgages included 50 villas and apartments worth AED96.77 million and 11 land plots valued at AED117.6 million.
On Thursday, the emirate recorded real estate deals worth AED2.7 billion, including 443 sales transactions worth AED1.03 billion, in addition to 75 mortgage deals of AED296.21 million, and 10 gift deals amounting to AED26.07 million.
The sales included 388 villas and apartments worth AED791.15 billion, and 55 land plots worth AED236.4 million.
The mortgages included 76 villas and apartments worth AED867.94 million and 12 land plots valued at AED89.08 million.