The humanoid robot Sophia, the world’s first robot citizen, will arrive in Dubai on Tuesday, March 8, to participate in the largest smart conference for internal auditors, the 20th Annual Regional Audit Conference (ARAC) from March 7- 9.
Sophia, which holds Saudi citizenship, will conduct an interactive session on the future of artificial intelligence entitled “Artificial Intelligence in the Internal Audit Profession”, on the second day of the annual regional conference on internal auditing, hosted by the Association of Internal Auditors in the United Arab Emirates at the Dubai World Trade Center under the theme “The Revolution and Transformation in Internal Audit”.
Sophia became the world’s first robot citizen after Saudi Arabia granted her citizenship in October 2017.
The organizers facilitated Sophia’s presence at the smart conference as a symbol of the future of artificial intelligence.
The conference is sponsored by a number of major international companies such as KPMG, Bee’ah, Protiviti and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
The conference provides an opportunity for attendees to receive more than 22 CPE credits, in order to enhance their professional development process. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from over 40 international speakers, leaders and authors who will share their experiences, best practices, trends and case studies, through more than 44 sessions moderated by some of the biggest names in the field of internal auditing.
Special attractions are some high-profile speakers such as Terry Cutler, CEO, Cyology Labs Canada and Ethical Hacker, who will conduct a session on “Insider Secrets to How hackers are getting in, and why”.