Saudi Arabia stresses need for international cooperation to fight corruption

1 min read
Saudi Arabia calls for international efforts to fight corruption.
  • Mazen bin Ibrahim Al-Kahmous, President of Saudi Arabia's Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority. was speaking at UN Convention against Corruption.
  • Saudi Arabia's "Riyadh Initiative" aimed at establishing a global operation network of anti-corruption law enforcement authorities.

Combating corruption requires cooperation from every person in all societies at all levels in all its forms and manifestations, said Mazen bin Ibrahim Al-Kahmous, President of Saudi Arabia’s Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority.

Al-Kahmous was speaking at the ninth session of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, held in Sharm El-Sheikh from 13-17 December.

He said the kingdom pays great importance to international cooperation in combating corruption, and has made and is still making every effort to eradicate this destructive scourge, according to Saudi media reports.

Saudi Arabia launched the “Riyadh Initiative” aimed at establishing a global operation network of anti-corruption law enforcement authorities, called the GlobE Network, Al-Khamous said.

The initiative was welcomed by all countries, within the political declaration issued by the special session of the United Nations General Assembly, as well as within the statement of leaders the countries of the Group of Twenty at the Rome Summit 2021, which reflects the interest of countries in strengthening international cooperation among anti-corruption authorities, the reports said.