Dubai’s Hilshaw Group to help Ukraine mitigate climate change fallout

1 min read
  • Hilshaw Group will conduct an impact study as the first phase of the process to understand and counter the effects of climate change.

  • Ukraine exported 57 million tons of grain to international markets in 2019-20, which amounted to 16% of global grain exports



Dubai-based Hilshaw Group (HG) has bagged a contract for mitigating the effects of climate change on Ukraine’s  $18.6bn agriculture sector.

HG signed an agreement with Kyiv’s Tech and Change Management Consultancy ‘Green – Z’  whereby the former will conduct an impact study as the first phase of the process to understand and counter the effects of climate change.

Ukraine is home to 41.5 million hectares of agricultural land, which covers 70 percent of the country’s total land bank. Agriculture is the country’s most significant export and helped generate 9 percent of its GDP In 2019.

Data from earlier this year suggests last year was the hottest in Kyiv.  The changes are not limited to Kyiv. The resulting scarcity of rain resulted in the loss of 570,000 hectares of winter crops due to prolonged droughts and unusually intense spring frosts and additional losses of 200,000 hectares of corn and lower crop yield.

The impact study and resulting mitigation roadmap that the HG has been commissioned to execute, would help evaluate the plan, methodology and the way forward, while justifying the cost vs benefits of each proposition and possibility.

The HG’s submission qualified against three European organizations.

The Group has also been appointed as the exclusive advisor and financial consultant for the $7bn ‘Athi River Green Smart City’ in Nairobi, Kenya.

Ukraine exported 57 million tons of grain  to international markets in 2019-20, which amounted to 16 percent of global grain exports. The Impact Study is aimed to preserve and increase these records.